Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fruit Torte

Try #1: Looks pretty but the crust [Garbanzo bean] was awful

I made a Gluten Free Fruit Torte for my Birthday back in February. It was awful. I had used mostly Bob's Garbanzo bean flour for the crust...and it tasted exactly like garbanzo beans with a strange grainy texture. You'd think I would have realized that it would taste like garbanzo beans but instead of researching it like I should have...I agreed to give it a go. If you are gluten-free I am warning you now stay away from Bob's Red Mill Garbanzo Bean Flour and any flour that contains garbanzo beans!

A couple months ago I made a few more attempts finally coming up with a perfect (at least I think so) blend of gluten free flours. You can buy pre-made blends such as Beth's or Pamela's but they are usually SO expensive it is more cost effective to buy individual flours and mix your own. (If you want to use this recipe for non-GF just use regular all purpose flour).

Gluten Free Fruit Torte [The yummy crust!]

Stir together:

■2/3 c. butter
■2 c. GF flour (My 3/4 cup sorghum, 3/4 cup rice flour, and 1/2 cup tapioca flour)
■1 egg
■3/4 c. sugar
■1 TBSP milk (or coconut milk if you are lactose intolerant)
■1 tsp. baking powder
■1 tsp. gf vanilla
■Dash salt

Mix until dough sticks together, and refrigerate for 3 hours. Make sure to flour your worktop (with gluten free flour of course!) and roll out dough. It can get pretty sticky so make sure to kepp your work area and hands floured. Press the dough into a 9" tart pan. (If your want individual tarts, you can use a muffin pan [the easy way!] or just cut out 4″ circles and make a small ridge around the edge with your fingers.) Bake at 375ºF for 7-8 minutes.


■8 oz. cream cheese
■2 TBSP butter
■2-3 TBSP milk (or coconut milk) If not enough after mixing everything together just add 1 tbsp at a time until enough.
■1 c. powdered sugar
■1 TBSP lemon juice

Spread filling in bottom of tart crust, and then top with fruit as desired. I used kiwi, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. You can use anything you want! It's time to get creative. Peaches, melon, pineapple. Arrange it in an artsy fashion or just pile it on. Whatever tickles your fancy go ahead and do it!

I usually refrigerate it for a bit before eating because I like it a bit colder.

Happy Eating!


Cinderita said...

Oh..but it sure does look pretty.

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